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The great doorway of the Khasneh, Petras best known monument There is no water here; miarages can be photographed Roman siege ramp and Jewish defences at the citadel of Machaerus Bedu graveyard in Wadi Rum at sunset
The great doorway of the Khasneh, Petra's best known monument. There is no water here; mirages can be photographed. Roman siege ramp and Jewish defences at the citadel of Machaerus. Bedu graveyard in Wadi Rum at sunset.
Door hinges from an unexcavated city, buried by the desert sands Top temple this, but how do we spell Nabataean? Rock-cut tombs in the Hisma desert, the contents long since looted Wadi running into the Dead Sea through the Moabite hills, where Moses died
Door hinges from an unexcavated city, buried by the desert sands. Top temple this, but how do we spell Nabataean? Rock-cut tombs in the Hisma desert, the contents long since looted. Wadi running into the Dead Sea through the Moabite hills, where Moses died.
Part of the necropolis at Petra, with the mysterious Nefesh symbol for the souls of the dead This cistern, cut 2,000 years ago, still traps water for the bedouin of Wadi Rum A stroll in the Bayir desert, near Lawrence's camp This tomb near Humeima is a triple-decker, cut to fit three coffins from one family
Part of the necropolis at Petra, with the mysterious Nefesh symbol for the souls of the dead. This cistern, cut 2,000 years ago, still traps water for the bedouin of Wadi Rum. A stroll in the Bayir desert, near Lawrence's camp. This tomb near Humeima is a triple-decker, cut to fit three coffins from one family.
Smoke-damaged frescos from a sixth century desert bathhouse The way to the half-excavated city of Humeima, across the Hisma desert Machaerus, Herod's Dead Sea citadel where Salome danced and John theBaptist was beheaded From the sumit of Umm el Biyara; Petra city centre and Royal Tombs, cut through by a Roman road
Smoke-damaged frescos from a sixth century desert bathhouse. The way to the half-excavated city of Humeima, across the Hisma desert. Machaerus, Herod's Dead Sea citadel where Salome danced and John theBaptist was beheaded. From the sumit of Umm el Biyara; Petra city centre and Royal Tombs, cut through by a Roman road.
Great efforts are made to cater for western guests, but the devil is in the detail.... Early Islamic fresco of a lute-playing bear; under later rulers, this kind of frivolity in art was forbidden Inside the Mameluke fort at Aqaba, scene of Lawrence's epic victory over the Turks in the Arab Revolt Map of Jordan
Great efforts are made to cater for western guests, but the devil is in the detail.... Early Islamic fresco of a lute-playing bear; under later rulers, this kind of frivolity in art was forbidden. Inside the Mameluke fort at Aqaba, scene of Lawrence's epic victory over the Turks in the Arab Revolt. Map of Jordan

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